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DCG Baseball Club Registration - Now Open 2025

DC-G Baseball Club Opportunities

Board Member Opportunities

The DC-G Baseball Club is also looking for volunteers to join the club board and help steer the direction of our programs for the Dallas Center-Grimes Community. We are looking volunteers that have children in the younger divisions of our programs that would be willing to volunteer for a couple of years on our board. If interested please send an email to

Spring and Summer
Volunteer Help Needed

The DC-G Baseball Club is looking for spring and summer volunteer help. If you or someone you know is interested in working this spring and summer as part of a field crew please send an email to

    DCG Baseball Club

    About Our Club

    The Dallas Center and Grimes communities have participated in organized baseball activities for many years. Each community historically had a separate board of directors to manage league activities.

    In late 2007, both the Dallas Center and Grimes boards voted unanimously to combine the boards. This new structure was then managed according to the DCGLL Constitution and By Laws.

    In November 2014, the DC-G Little League voted unanimously to disband from Little League and create a new club affiliated with USSSA Baseball. Starting in 2015, organized baseball for Dallas Center-Grimes will be known as DC-G Baseball Club.

    DCG Baseball Club --

    RainoutLine Links

    Field Conditions/Status will be Updated by 4:00pm

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